Jun 22, 2009

The Green Wave

TEHRAN — Locked in a continuing bitter contest Monday with Iranians who say the presidential elections were rigged, the authorities here acknowledged that the number of votes cast in 50 cities exceeded the actual number of voters, state television reported following assertions by the country’s supreme leader that the ballot was fair.
But the authorities insisted that discrepancies, which could affect three million votes, did not violate Iranian law and the country’s influential Guardian Council said it was not clear whether they would decisively change the election result.

The above news emerged on the English-language Press TV Web site late Sunday as a bitter rift among Iran’s ruling clerics deepened over the disputed election.

Right! So you basically admit that the elections were rigged, but you claim that Ahmedinijad would have won anyway.
A child cheats in an exam and on getting caught says, "Ma'am I just cheated in one question out of the thirty given. I swear I have answered all the others by myself.Instead of punishing me why don't you just check the other twenty-nine and grade me accordingly? I am sure I will pass."
So what should the teacher do? Should she just let him go cause the one question he cheated on wouldn't have "affected" his performance and grade? Or should she say "Cheating is cheating" and debar him from the examination or order a retest for him?

And for holy sakes, this is not just some examination but the elections of a country we are talking about! The fate of millions of Persians depend on it. I hope we get to see justice delivered to all those thirsting for it before its too late. I hope their sacrifices do not go in vain.

The entire world hopes...and prays.

Jun 21, 2009

The Talking Cockroach

A long time ago, a very rich woman was getting dressed for an important engagement. As she was finishing, she saw a cockroach standing on the floor looking up at her. To her amazement, the cockroach spoke in perfectly good English, "Madam, that dress is entirely inappropriate for such an occasion. Its too short in all the wrong places and too long in all the others! Your shoes and handbag are clashing with it and your jewelry is entirely too gauche."

The woman after a second of stunned silence mused to herself, "My goodness a talking cockroach!" and quickly summoned her husband to squash it. She finished dressing herself without a single change.

Oct 18, 2008

All is vanity...

To himself everyone is immortal; he may know that he is going to die, but he can never know that he is dead. ~Samuel Butler

People are not afraid to die. It's a fact. It's a fact which defies logic, cause throughout the history of mankind, we have been known to be afraid of countless things, so much so that you only have to look at the ever growing list of phobias to know that I am telling the truth. If you were lucky enough, you might have noticed one among them called thenatophobia and guess what... it's the fear of death or dying. To be sure, that was inevitable. Surely you didn't think I meant no one is afraid of death? Come to think of it, I am not even saying that the majority of us are not afraid of dying. Maybe everyone is to some extent. But before you come to any conclusion and proclaim that I am nothing but a big sadistic liar, hear me out ! 

Considering the fact that death is the end all of everything one has ever lived for his entire life, and the fact that most of us hardly ever think about it while we go on with our wordly life, one has to admit it's almost as if we don't care much about it at all. Think about it. Think about the supposed significance of death in our lives, and then ask yourself if our concern about it comes even close to that significance, and I am sure for most of us the answer will be a definite NO. I remember, I used to be afraid of dying like anything. To even try to comprehend used to be too much for me. Maybe I had Thenatophobia or maybe I was just a child back then. Probably the latter ! 

Anyways I guess the biggest factor contributing to this "fearlessness" is the sheer inevitability of death. Cry, cringe, beg all u want, you just cant escape it.

to be continued...

Sep 27, 2008

My "First"

Have been putting off the "momentous" occasion of writing the first post for my blog for quite a while now !! The "first" everything is always special in one's life, be it your first walk, your first crush, your first "true"(at least thats what one thinks at that time) love or a more mundane, your first making out(special nonetheless). Funny though how it didnt matter as much back when you had no idea how special a "first" is in your life. For example I don't think you jumped up with joy and a truimphant grin on your face when you managed to walk the first few steps as a 2-year old kiddo. The joy was reflected more on your parents face, grown up enough to appreciate the so called "first" factor of the moment. But as you grew older, things changed, and the sheer potential that is attached to a "first" in your life made you pause and think twice before deciding to embark on it. You want it to be special, one of a kind and something you can always look back to with pride. You don't want to ruin the occasion by doing something stupid or "uncool", something that you might come to repent your entire life. Forgive me for being perhaps a little too dramatic on this but believe you me, for almost everyone in my age group it is as much as dramatic, as I make it out to be, perhaps even more.

Anyways, as I said you dont want to spoil things by doing anything stupid do you, so you start putting it off for a time when everything would be just right for "it" to happen, when all the conditions would be perfect, but sadly the "ideal" time almost never comes. In fact the ideal time will never come, unless you want it to, cause lets face it guys this is not an idealistic world and there never will be an "ideal" time for anything. You can always decide on where to set the bar, and be content when you cross it, or you can always set it a little higher and start all over again. That's what I decided to do with this post of mine. "What the heck!!", I thought, lets get over with it and then I can go on and post the thousands of other things I have always wanted to post. You see, this "first" was keeping me from all the "others", and it is only when you realize how important even your "others" are, that you will be able to set the bar I was talking about and be content with it. The "first" always stops you from getting to the "others", and the sooner you realize that and stop waiting for an "ideal" time the better.